Become A Fosterer
When you foster a dog for Spaniel Rescue Foundation you give them the chance of a new adventure, a new family and a place to call home.
We don’t own kennels or a rehoming centre so all our dogs are assessed and rehomed from their foster homes. The amazing people who open their homes and families to our dogs in need are a vital and incredible part of our charity. Without them, the whole operation would come to a standstill.
If we don’t have foster homes available for dogs, we then have to make the heartbreaking decision to say ‘sorry we can’t help’. The more foster homes we have, the less we have to say that.
All of our fosterers are supported by the team from the moment they register their interest to the moment they decide they can no longer take anymore fosters in. Our foster team provide day to day support to make sure you and your foster dog have everything you need, our education team provide training and development to help you improve your handling skills and knowledge of dog behaviour, our pastoral team ensure every fosterer is connected to their local area group so that you have people to meet up with and talk to locally and our wellbeing team ensure everyone has a space to go and talk should you need to talk any difficult things through.
The majority of our fosterers would be what we call 'rehome' fosterers, these are the individuals who provide a home for a dog between 3 weeks to 6 weeks until they are adopted. However it is worth keeping in mind rehome fosterers could find themselves with the dog for longer if they need a very specific type of adopted home that may take a while to find.
A minority of our dogs will require ‘life long’ foster care. These dogs are likely to remain with the charity for the rest of their lives, either due to old age or specific medical needs. While caring for a lifelong dog, fosterers would be expected to pay for the dog’s general upkeep e.g. food, flea and worm treatment etc, while Spaniel Rescue Foundation would cover any emergency or additional medical costs that are related to their medical condition.

The fosterer application process
Read the information on this page carefully and reach out to us at if you have any questions.
Complete the fosterer application form.
Wait for a call from the team to find out more about you.
If after the call the team decide you have the right set up to become a foster home we will organise a homecheck.
Meet with a homecheck volunteer at your house, show them where a foster dog would stay and answer the questions they have. We ask that the whole family is present for this.
If the team decide that your homecheck is a pass you will be added to our list of foster homes.
Prepare for your first foster dog!